Archive for October 1st, 2008

..:: ഒരു mel സ്ക്രിപ്റ്റ് ::..

മായ എന്ന സോഫ്റ്റ്‌വെയര്‍ ഉപയോഗിച്ചു പ്രോഗ്രാമിങ്ങ്‌ ചെയ്യുന്ന
ആള്‍ക്കാര്‍ക്ക് സാധാരണ dialogbox ബോര്‍ ആണ് .. ഇതു ഇച്ചിരി
രസം ഉള്ള ഒരു ബോക്സ് ആണ് .. ഇമേജ് താഴെ ഉണ്ട് .. കോഡ് കൂടെ


കോഡ് ഇതാ

Author:Kurian O.Samuel

This code will be more style type dialog box for error,warning and info
This code will not work if all ready any laout ui is opend .. so
each exicution check the layout ui
I tested that code should work any of maya version 8.5 and after.
Did not check for earlier

usage :put the following line to userSetup.mel

source maya_DialogBox.mel
command Help:
//string $getDialogVal=callHereToLoadWin(title,message,error number,number of buttons,dialog width,button labels)

global string $temREturnPass;
global proc maya_DialogBox(string $title,string $message,int $errorType,int $numberBut,int $widthLay,string $buttonname)
string $parseButArray[];
scriptEditorInfo -ch;
columnLayout -adj true;
rowColumnLayout -nc 2 -cw 1 75 -cw 2 $widthLay;
if ($errorType==1)
picture -image "error.bmp";
else if ($errorType==2)
picture -image "warning.bmp";
else if ($errorType==3)
picture -image "info.bmp";
confirmDialog -title "Error !!!" -message "This error type is not defined \n" -button "Ok";
scriptEditorInfo -ch;
error "This error type is not defined !!!\n";
text -align "left" -l (" "+$message);
text -l "";
text -l "";
setParent ..;
int $getDivHer=$widthLay/$numberBut+20;
string $getThisLayout="rowColumnLayout -nc "+$numberBut;
for ($cntt=1; $cntt<=$numberBut; $cntt++)
$getThisLayout=$getThisLayout+" -cw "+$cntt+" "+$getDivHer;
$getThisLayout=$getThisLayout+ " mainButtonPan;";
eval ($getThisLayout);
for ($cnt=0; $cnt<=$numberBut; $cnt++)
button -p mainButtonPan -l ($parseButArray[$cnt]) -c ("callHereForArg(\""+$parseButArray[$cnt]+"\")") ;
global proc string confirmDlg (string $title,string $message,int $errorType,int $numberBut,int $layoutWidth,string $buttonname)
global string $temREturnPass;
layoutDialog -t $title -ui ("maya_DialogBox(\""+$title+"\",\""+$message+"\",\""+$errorType+"\",\""+$numberBut+"\",\""+$layoutWidth+"\",\""+$buttonname+"\")");
return $temREturnPass;
global proc callHereForArg(string $passArg)
global string $temREturnPass;
$temREturnPass = $passArg;
layoutDialog -dismiss $passArg ;